Hon. Brian A. Davis (Ret.)
PDP Launches ADR & Legal consulting Services

PDP is expanding its practice to include a suite of ADR & Legal Consulting Services led by retired MA Superior Court Judge Brian A. Davis.

Neutral Case Analysis

Service Overview

Sometimes the best path for resolving a dispute is not so clear.  When and how you should proceed, and what terms you should accept, can turn on the strength of your case and your likelihood of success. As an experienced civil litigator and trial judge, Judge Davis has the practical and legal know-how to help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your case, assess your claims, defenses, and legal strategy, flag your vulnerability to dispositive motion practice, evaluate your trial strategy, and assess your chances on appeal.  His neutral analysis and advice can assist you in refining your legal arguments, weighing your settlement options, and ultimately choosing the resolution path that offers the best prospects of achieving your client’s goals.

A fee schedule for Judge Davis' services is available upon request.